
Wander from Home: A Train Trip Down The South African Road Trip

South Africa travel itinerary Boulder’s Beach Cape Town Travel guide
Boulders Beach outside of Cape Town, is a must for any South Africa travel itinerary.

Towards the end of our otherworldly stay in South Africa, we realized a simple typo on our personal itinerary revealed that we had an extra day in Cape Town. So we hopped on the train and headed down the coast with nowhere to go, exploring what we could explore, finding what we could find.

Our trip took us to a few different memorable places. We stopped in Simon’s Town, a charming little beach town, just 30 minutes down the track.

Here we found nothing but sunshine and bliss as we interacted with locals and ate from bakeries and street food shacks. The coastal breeze followed us in and out of boutiques and through the street vendor stands. We made it to Lighthouse Cafe, where we enjoyed a cappuccino and one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had.

Next, we walked our way a mile or two down to Boulders Beach, recently listed on Conde Nast’s 50 most beautiful places in the world.

It’s famous for its local Penguin population. Yeah, you read that right, Penguins! They were adorable as you might imagine, the views of outstretched beach, mountains and pleasant coastline made for the perfect ending to our trip to Africa.

coastal views in South Africa Cape Town travel guide

As part of Seek Out’s initiative of sustainable travel, we’ve made a *Give Back Pledge* where we give back to the communities and places we visit.

Join us in donating to the South Africa National Parks — which conserves Boulders Beach and its abundantly cute population of penguins.

SANparks is also doing incredibly important work to help save endangered species in Africa, including Rhinos and Elephants. Donate here. Thank you!

More Photos:

South Africa Cape Town travel guide
Cape Town South Africa backpacking travel guide
Backpacking Travel in Cape Town South Africa Guide
Pizza in South Africa, Cape Town travel guide
coastal views in South Africa Cape Town travel guide
Cape Town, Boulder’s Beach, Penguins beach South Africa